Project Management and Delivery2021-05-03T00:28:28+08:00

Project Management and Delivery

Customised IT System Design and Delivery

At iSURE Consulting we understand that consulting means different things to different people. For us, it is about being a trusted advisor that helps clients with their IT systems and strategy, guiding them to sustained success. We don’t believe that one size fits all, which is why we view each of our clients’ needs as unique.

Our custom-tailored consulting engagements are based on deep listening and decades of experience across different industries and issues. The IT systems we design and deliver are practical, realistic, and highly effective; designed around our clients’ operations with the ability to grow and change with the needs of our clients.

Discovery Phase

Most of our clients come to us with a specific need or issue that needs a technology solution – this is what we call the discovery phase. During this phase, iSURE Consulting undertakes a complete assessment of the issue or need, it’s origin and any improvements that an IT system could deliver.

Design Phase

This is where the magic happens. By now our team has completed the discovery phase for your new custom IT system and then start to plan out the hardware, software and data requirements.

We design your system and tailor it to your business needs, based around the insights we identified and the needs of your operations. During the design phase we are always engaged with you, as often we discover that there can be several solution options that meet your needs or ideas.


Once the discovery and design phases have been completed for your new IT system, we start to deploy your new system with minimal interruption to your operations. If your new IT system requires integration with something else, or is a new system upgrade, all those factors are dealt with during testing.

As part of the deployment a complete sandbox (not live) test is completed, as well as real world system testing, to ensure your system does what it is meant to. Post deployment, our team are here to iron out any issues as well as provide support for end users and training if required.

Why Customise Your IT System

Computer and IT systems have become the backbone of pretty much every modern-day business, regardless of the industry you’re in. While your system might enable you to operate, what would happen if your IT system could be supercharged and give you a competitive edge?

Designing an IT system doesn’t have to be a solution to a problem it can also be a way to increasing productivity, reducing task, freeing up more time and giving you a competitive edge over your competitors.

iSURE Consulting provides industry leading IT system and design solutions backed by our team with extensive background in evaluation and implementation.

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